Saturday 24 March 2012

Patriotism In Malaysia Poster (Assignment 1)

Simplified Content of Patriotism:
1. Special affection for one's own country
2. A sense of personal identification with the country
3. Special concern for the well-being of the country
4. Willingness to sacrifice to promote the country's good 

Final Design : MALAYSIA

My poster workflow : IDEATION

1. I started my design with few sketches of ideas. Doing doodles on A4 papers. (please dont mind the bad sketches :) )

selected concept

few other ideas: 

2. I start to browse Google for some pictures need for the design. and i came up with few pictures. this picture is use to be my vector for the design.

3. I then start to do vectors  of the pictures I downloaded using Adobe Illustrator and using Adobe Photoshop for colour filling.

Malaysia's Flag 


KL Tower 

Malaysia' Text 

4. The final composition i did is in Adobe Photoshop. In Adobe Photoshop, i combine all the vectors i did and place it in 1 layout. I reposition the vectors to what best suit to be the final composition. Then I save it to desire file type.

5. Lastly, i then open Adobe Flash Professional. I import the file that i have save from Adobe Photoshop to the Adobe Flash and save it to .swf format.



  1. Already graded your work. Should try to insert frames & create key frame.

  2. No Draft 2 and Draft 3(Final) description for Assignment 1. I've already graded your Assignment 1. You should submit .swf instead of .fla at MMLS. Your file cannot be opened using CS4 and you did not provide movie file for your Assignment 1 at your blog.
